
Why Choose Us

We came together with quality education, a unique curriculum, and abundant opportunities.

You can see and feel the value in each step of your process. individualized lesson plans and learning experiences that bring up a sense of completeness and boost the learning capabilities of all learners, no matter their age or learning abilities.

Classroom Training

Learning environment in classrooms gives learners the opportunity to engage live discussions and enhance critical thinking & social skills.

Skilled Instructors

Our expert instructors are committed in developing and delivering best-in-class training to shape and mold the success of learner’s future.

Low Batch Capacity

Limited number of learners in a batch helps the trainer to spend and engage with learners and track them throughout their journey.

Customised Content

Customised learning yields better learning results. By understanding the learners, trainers provide the high-quality content focusing on key areas along with real-world projects.

About Us

Welcome to
Core Technologies

Core Technologies is an IT training institute that offers tailor-made courses to students and corporates who intend to hone their IT Skills. This is an advanced platform for learners and jobseekers enabled by customized learning paths, expert coaches and abundant opportunities. Our mission is to personalize & provide high quality training for your career, help you realise true potential and meet your career dreams.

In the fast-moving IT industry, things become obsolete soon. So, we always keep ourselves abreast with the latest trends and technologies in the IT market. We ensure that we write off obsolete technologies and introduce the emerging trends from time to time so that the people who undergo our training programs are equipped with the state of the art technology(s).

Skilled Instructors

Online Classes

Classroom Training

Low Batch Capacity

Internship Certificate

100% Job Placement Assistance

100% Practical Classes

Live Project Practice

Project Annalysis & Planning

Developement with Implementation

Our Faculties

We have real time trainers who work in different companies with experience with decades in the field of live application developement, they help the learners to understand and experience real-world applications and practices. Each concept will help to analyze strengths and areas of improvement.

Real-Time Experts

Real-time experts are the ones who work in different companies and monitor your performance throughout your learning and help you with the software required & make you ready for the corporate world through their industry experiences

Dedicated Mentors

Our mentors have unique way of understanding of student’s aspirations, fears & support them. Make them realise their goal and accurately assess their strengths, as well as act on areas for self-improvement.

Corporate Trainers

Corporate trainers motivate, develop strength & competitiveness by understanding your capability and increase your efficiency. They help you to adapt the real-world culture and excel in your career.

Our Courses

Connect with top career trainers/industry experts for your personalized growth
and get access to various career opportunities.

What More

Our Special Program

Career Course Program
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Short Term Course Program
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Live Project Internship Program
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Training Benefits

To enrich the knowledge & skill sets of young software engineers by providing value added training in the areas of Software Development & Testing.

Experienced Trainers

Realtime Training

Job Oriented Courses

Live Project Internship


Placement Support

Training Process

As an organization that has committed itself in assisting the students in being placed into their dream organizations.













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